The Factors Influencing Relapse in Patients Presenting to the Emergency Department with COPD Exacerbation

Erkan Goksu, Dilek Durmaz, Gunay Yildiz, Aslihan Unal, Mutlu Kartal, Alten Oskay, Yeliz Simsek

DOI: 10.5505/1304.7361.2014.37791

Issue: 2015, Volume 15, Issue 2
5281 5206

Inter-Observer Agreement on Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging Interpretation for Diagnosis of Acute Ischemic Stroke Among Emergency Physicians

Deniz Oray, Onder Limon, Cem Ertan, Asli Aydinoglu Ugurhan, Erkan Sahin

DOI: 10.5505/1304.7361.2015.32659

Issue: 2015, Volume 15, Issue 2
5412 5104

Low oxygen saturation is associated with pre-hospital mortality among non-traumatic patients using emergency medical services: A national database of Thailand

Yuwares Sittichanbuncha, Sorrawit Savatmongkorngul, Puchong Jawroongrit, Kittisak Sawanyawisuth

DOI: 10.1016/j.tjem.2015.11.003

Issue: 2015, Volume 15, Issue 3
5717 5461

Assessment of prehospital medical care for the patients transported to emergency department by ambulance

Sehnaz Akin Paker, Seda Dagar, Erkan Gunay, Zeynep Temizyurek Cebeci, Ersin Aksay

DOI: 10.1016/j.tjem.2015.11.005

Issue: 2015, Volume 15, Issue 3
6203 5514

The approach of prehospital health care personnel working at emergency stations towards forensic cases

Ozlem Asci, Guleser Hazar, Isa Sercan

DOI: 10.1016/j.tjem.2015.11.007

Issue: 2015, Volume 15, Issue 3
4491 4823

Traumatic pseudocyst due to blunt trauma: Case report

Sinan Becel, Beliz Oztok, Gulhan Kurtoglu Celik, Ferhat Icme, Alp Sener, Gul Pamukcu Gunaydin

DOI: 10.1016/j.tjem.2015.11.009

Issue: 2015, Volume 15, Issue 3
4449 4053

The lucky patient who aspirated a needle

Fatih Tanriverdi, Gulhan Kurtoglu Celik, Gul Pamukcu Gunaydin

DOI: 10.1016/j.tjem.2015.11.010

Issue: 2015, Volume 15, Issue 3
4872 5940

Rare etiological causes of iliofemoral deep venous thrombosis: Reports of 2 cases

Emrah Ereren, Ali Kemal Erenler, Vedat Bakuy, Mustafa Omer Yazicioglu, Sercan Duman

DOI: 10.1016/j.tjem.2015.11.012

Issue: 2015, Volume 15, Issue 3
4940 5173

Rising Threat; Bonsai

Gokhan Aksel, Oner Bozan, Mine Kayaci, Ozlem Guneysel, Seckin Bahar Sezgin

DOI: 10.5505/1304.7361.2015.80388

Issue: 2015, Volume 15, Issue 2
5093 5227

Weakness in the Emergency Department: Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis Induced By Strenuous Physical Activity

Nurettin Ozgur Dogan, Nazire Avcu, Elif Yaka, Ali Isikkent, Ugur Durmus

DOI: 10.5505/1304.7361.2015.57984

Issue: 2015, Volume 15, Issue 2
5354 5531

A Rare Cause of Acute Abdominal Pain: Splenic Infarct (Case Series)

Engin Ozakin, Osman Cetinkaya, Filiz Baloglu Kaya, Nurdan Acar, Arif Alper Cevik

DOI: 10.5505/1304.7361.2015.16769

Issue: 2015, Volume 15, Issue 2
5644 5579

The Integration of Palliative Care into the Emergency Department

Nursah Basol

DOI: 10.5505/1304.7361.2015.65983

Issue: 2015, Volume 15, Issue 2
5319 5613

Comparison of Conventional Radiography and Digital Computerized Radiography in Patients Presenting to Emergency Department

Enver Ozcete, Bahar Boydak, Murat Ersel, Selahattin Kiyan, Ilhan Uz, Ozgur Cevrim

DOI: 10.5505/1304.7361.2014.90922

Issue: 2015, Volume 15, Issue 1
5999 7487

Systematic Analysis of Theses in the Field of Emergency Medicine in Turkey

Erdem Cevik, Banu Karakus Yilmaz, Yahya Ayhan Acar, Mehmet Dokur

DOI: 10.5505/1304.7361.2014.37074

Issue: 2015, Volume 15, Issue 1
4873 4918

A Rare Case in the Emergency Department: Holmes-Adie Syndrome

Sahin Colak, Mehmet Ozgur Erdogan, Ahmet Senel, Ozge Kibici, Turker Karaboga, Mustafa Ahmet Afacan, Hizir Ufuk Akdemir

DOI: 10.5505/1304.7361.2015.59144

Issue: 2015, Volume 15, Issue 1
5429 5349

Food and Shelter Standards in Humanitarian Action

Sohil Pothiawala

DOI: 10.5505/1304.7361.2015.98360

Issue: 2015, Volume 15, Supplement 1
5190 4779

Serum S100B Protein as an Outcome Prediction Tool in Emergency Department Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury

Mohsen ABBASI, Mahmoudreza SAJJADI, Marzieh FATHI, Mohammadreza MAGHSOUDI

DOI: 10.5505/1304.7361.2014.74317

Issue: 2014, Volume 14, Issue 4
10762 5734

The Analysis of Poisoning Cases Presented to the Emergency Department within a One-Year Period


DOI: 10.5505/1304.7361.2014.87360

Issue: 2014, Volume 14, Issue 4
10747 4934

Emergency Department During Long Public Holidays


DOI: 10.5505/1304.7361.2014.20438

Issue: 2014, Volume 14, Issue 4
10463 5405

The Effects of the Sleep Quality of 112 Emergency Health Workers in Kayseri, Turkey on Their Professional Life

Vesile SENOL, Ferhan SOYUER, Gulsum Nihal GULESER, Mahmut ARGUN, Levent AVSAROGULLARI

DOI: 10.5505/1304.7361.2014.60437

Issue: 2014, Volume 14, Issue 4
10844 5189